A sneak peak of the first free roam of the visual novel. The girls gang stop at the Wow Mart store for a "shopping". You can grab itens to your inventory. ____________________________________________ Uma prévia do primeiro free roam da visual novel. As garotas param na loja Wow Mart para fazer "compras". Você pode pegar itens para o seu inventário.
I was very absent from here because I was on other projects, but I always keep to continue this visual novel. As I have to do everything, creating characters and scenarios, setting up the scenes, writing the story and programming, it takes much more time than a studio dedicated to just one project. But this year I intend to post more updates and launch a demo of the game. Below are images of the interior of the WOW MART store where the fugitives will stop by to do some shopping. 😉 The player will be able to wander around the store in search of some items (freeroam). I had to retexture practically the entire store to match the game. Thank you Aemi1970 for this asset! Estive bem ausente daqui porque estava em outros projetos, mas sempre continuei a dar prosseguimento a essa visual novel. Como tenho que fazer tudo, criação de personagens e cenários, montar as cenas, escrever a história e programação, levo muito mais tempo que um estúdio dedicado somente a um projeto. Mas esse ano p...